
Refer & Earn

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Earn extra cash easily with our referral program! Here’s how it works:

  1. Create Your Referral Code:

    • Go to the Settings tab in your account.
    • Find the "Referral Code" section and create your unique code using letters and numbers. This code will be used to track referrals and earn rewards.
  2. Share Your Code:

    • Share your code with friends, family, or anyone who might benefit from our platform.
    • You can share it through social media, email, or word of mouth.
  3. Earn Money:

    • For Sellers: Invite other college students to upload their resumes. Every time someone you referred sells a resume, you earn $1!
    • For Buyers: Share your code with anyone applying to college. You'll earn $1 every time someone you referred buys a resume!
    • While it may seem like a small amount, the earnings can quickly add up! By sharing your code with multiple people, you can generate a steady stream of income every time they buy or sell a resume. The more you share, the more you earn—it's that simple!

It's a simple and rewarding way to earn money while helping others succeed in their college journey. Start sharing your referral code today!